Shop Wholesale! Wholesale Delta 8 Gummies Online at A1 Hemp Supply Company

by | Jun 3, 2022 | CBD Products

What is Delta-8?

Delta-8 is a relatively new form of edible CBD to hit the marketplace. While most Americans are still waiting for federal legalization of marijuana, they might have noticed delta-8 products in their local smoke, or CBD, shops. Delta-8 is a blend of CDB, along with the maximum allowable amount of THC under current federal laws. Since delta-8 products contain both CDB, and THC, they do produce a psychoactive, or “high”, effect upon consumption. Since these products fall within an existing loophole in federal law, Americans can freely consume them while eagerly awaiting the expansion of legalization.

Delta-8 Products

Delta-8 is a great choice for people looking for safe, and legal, THC products. While the dosages might seem high (50mg per gummy is usually the starting point) to anyone familiar with regular THC edibles, this is due to the extremely low overall concentration of THC within the delta-8 product. While usually, a 10mg THC edible would be plenty for most users, expect to use far higher doses in delta-8 products for similar effects. Edible gummies are the most common form of delta-8, though oils exist as well.

Wholesale Delta 8 Gummies

While waiting for dispensaries to pop up on every corner, delta-8 edibles are a great choice in the meantime. The biggest obstacle is the eye-popping price tag for delta-8 products. Since the delta-8 market is exploding in popularity while states are slow with their legal rollout, consumers can expect to pay much higher prices for delta-8 products. This highlights the importance of buying wholesale delta 8 gummies where possible. Shelf lives are relatively long so buying wholesale saves money, and stocks the cabinets!

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