If your industrial system needs to monitor flow and flow rate, you may find yourself checking out instruments like the Rosemount vortex flow meter. Unlike some meters (which work on the principle of electromagnetic energy) vortex type flowmeters rely on something completely different. Here is a brief explanation of how they work and the benefits they can provide.
Whirlpools and Tornadoes
Did you ever watch a top spinning or a dust tornado? They create a great deal of energy as they spin. This is the basic principle on the operation of equipment like the Rosemount vortex flow meter. As liquid or air passes over something (bluff body), it interrupts and changes the flow of the medium. When this occurs, a vortex (whirling) occurs. Here are some examples to help demonstrate this phenomenon.
More Examples
Have you ever seen a flag ripple in the wind? This effect is created when wind passing through the flagpole, creating vortices in the air. When you pull the plug to drain a bathtub, water runs through the drain and creates a whirlpool as it exits. How does this work for the Rosemount vortex flow meter?
Vortex Meters
When liquid or air passes over something, vortices are created. These vortices dissipate at predictable rates, in response to their environment. With the help of sensitive sensors and transmitters, flow rate can be accurately determined.
Using the Rosemount vortex flow meter makes it possible to monitor a wide range of flow conditions. You enjoy a high degree of accuracy too. Pulse output lets you transmit digital signals for high tech equipment. It is not hard to replace your old meters with new vortex instruments. They last a long time because you have no moving parts. This makes maintenance simple, easy, and affordable. However, with some systems, you may need filters or strainers.