Three Key Advantages of Hiring a Qualified Social Security Lawyer

by | Jan 28, 2020 | Lawyer

People hire Social Security lawyers when they become disabled before the legal retirement age and can no longer work. If you’ve become disabled on a job or gotten too ill to work, an experienced Oakland Social Security lawyer can help you. Here’s how.

Top Credentials
A top Social Security lawyer in Oakland will not only have a law degree, he or she will have studied Social Security law and become certified in it. This means the lawyer knows what it takes for you to get disability and will assist you through all stages of the disability process. This specialist also knows what factors the key decision makers in the process consider before rendering their decisions on disability cases.

No Upfront Payment
Your Social Security lawyer in Oakland will usually not charge you for any services in advance. Instead, your law firm will be awarded the lesser amount of $6,000 or 25% of your backpay if you win your disability case.

Improves Chances of Winning
You’re actually three times likelier to get disability benefits when you hire a Social Security lawyer in Oakland versus having no lawyer to represent you, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office. That’s why it’s always prudent to use one of these professionals.

When you hire an Oakland Social Security disability lawyer, you have someone who can argue your case before a judge in court. This usually occurs during the last phase of the disability process.

Ortega Disability Group is committed to helping disabled individuals in California get Social Security disability benefits, and you can contact the law firm at 800-322-1173.

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