Three Signs You Need To Visit An Emergency Dentist In Burlington

by | Nov 5, 2019 | Dentist

It is not always easy to know when you need emergency dental care. You do not want to visit the emergency dentist for a common ailment, nor do you want to put off an ailment that is actually an emergency. To help you learn the difference, here are several signs you need to visit an emergency dentist in Burlington.

Loose Adult Tooth

You should never experience a loose tooth as an adult, so you want to visit an emergency dentist for a loose tooth as soon as possible. This is a sign of an infection or injury that needs to be checked out immediately. A dentist can find a solution that does not involve extracting your tooth, or they can replace the tooth if you do need to have it extracted.

Toothache To Numb

If your painful tooth is now numb, you need to visit an emergency dentist in Burlington immediately. A numb tooth may be a sign of an infection that has spread to the root. You may need a root canal if your toothache is left untreated, so be sure to schedule an appointment with your dentist before you lose feeling in your tooth.

Gums Are Bleeding

Bleeding gums is a sign of an infection or gun disease, so you need to have the problem diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Gum disease is a painful condition that can lead to tooth loss, and bleeding gums after an extraction is another problem that needs to be treated immediately. If you cannot get an appointment with your dentist that day, a visit to the emergency dentist is required.

You should always know where the emergency dentists are in your area. Fielding Dental Healthcare is a great emergency dentist in Burlington, and you can find their contact information at Website.

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