Three Stages of a Typical Hydraulic Cylinder Rebuild in Chicago

by | Jun 25, 2018 | Business

Every hydraulic system includes some different components, each of which serves a particular, important purpose. While many are familiar with what it takes to repair or replace parts like hydraulic hoses, there are other, less routine types of work that can be every bit as important.

A well built hydraulic cylinder can be expected to last for quite a long time, allowing for the controlled actuation of whatever might be attached to it all the while. Eventually, however, important parts sealed within every cylinder will wear to the point that they need to be attended to. Arranging for a Hydraulic Cylinder Rebuild in Chicago when necessary is never difficult to do, and local specialists like Miller Hydraulic Service Inc always perform top quality work.

Rebuilding a Cylinder to Enable Years of Further Service

Hydraulic cylinders are all alike in that they translate the pressure of the fluid within them into mechanical motion. While most cylinders are designed to provide thousands of hours of service before failing, the forces involved mean that wear and damage cannot be avoided forever. When the time arrives for a Hydraulic Cylinder Rebuild in Chicago, each of the following steps will almost always be involved:

  • Depressurization. Hydraulic systems operate under high pressures, and lessening that pent-up potential is always an important initial precaution. Most systems are designed to be depressurized in some controlled, convenient fashion, so seeing to this issue should never be difficult at all.
  • Disassembly. Once the pressure within the system has been released and a suitable amount of hydraulic fluid drained, the cylinder can then be taken apart. This will generally involve first removing a special, seal-equipped part known as the “gland” that covers the interface between the innards of the cylinder and the actuating surface. Once this component has been removed, normally with the use of a special tool, the rest of the cylinder will become more readily accessible.
  • Replacement. With the cylinder taken apart, the various seals within can then be replaced as needed. So long as appropriate parts are used, the subsequent reassembly should be fairly simple.

An Investment That Will Always Pay Off

When a hydraulic cylinder degrades to the point that it no longer functions properly, having it rebuilt will normally be the best course of action. That will typically be all that it takes to ensure plenty of additional service from the system.

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