Tips For Making A Choice In Bench Scales

by | Jan 6, 2016 | Construction and Maintenance

In general, bench scales are used in virtually all types of industrial applications where there is any type of weighing requirements for small amounts of materials. These types of scales, as the name implies, are easy to locate on a counter, table or a bench, and they typically come in a wide range of sizes.

The footprint or the physical size of bench scales can range from a smaller foot by foot scale to a much larger twenty-four by twenty-four inch scale surface. These scales only have a minimum height, making them easy to manually lift loads or to use lifting equipment on the heavier items or lots.

Weight Requirements

In addition to the actual physical size of the scales, you will need to carefully consider the minimum and maximum amounts you need the scales to measure. There is the possibility to use these for weights up to 1000 pounds, 454 kilograms, or as low as 5 pounds or 2.27 kgs.

Remember, if you are buying for a company that is planning to expand or perhaps boost production or manufacturing, you may want to consider scales that are larger to accommodate for bigger batching, blending or weighing needs as you move forward with company growth.


Depending on where the bench scales will be used and what they will weigh you may need to consider washing and contamination issues with the scales. For food and food products, or for chemicals or other types of materials, it may be essential to have the scales completely sealed so they can be easily washed down, sterilized or sanitized, or cleaned with chemicals.

There are also special bench scales designed to be used in corrosive environments. These will be particularly important in chemical processes and production where these materials are used in the same area as the scales.

Calibration Options

Make sure to verify how the bench scales can be calibrated as needed. There are some scales that use an integrated technology that allows for easy calibration without the need for manual weights.

This is not only time saving but is much more effective and efficient. There is also one less issue for your maintenance crew to deal with, and technicians or staff can easily test for calibration whenever there is a need.

Making the choice in bench scales by comparing different companies, models and designs is always the best option. There are significant differences to consider, allowing you to find just the right bench scale option for your needs.

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