Tips on Applying for Disability

by | Nov 21, 2022 | Business

Applying for disability can be time-consuming and demanding. When submitting thorough SSDI applications and filing appeals following a Social Security Disability denial, many people turn to professionals for help because of how confusing the application process can be. Here are some tips on applying for disability to make the process easier.

Apply as Soon as You Can

The Social Security Administration typically takes three to five months to make decisions. Before getting their first check, some candidates may wait two to four years. Even if you are approved after applying with, the SSA won’t issue you your first check until six months have passed from the start of your impairment.

Talk Things Over with Your Doctor

Investigators from the SSA will speak with your doctor about your health status and any recommended treatments. You must work with your doctor to complete the Residual Functional Capacity report, a necessary component of your application.

To correctly complete your SSDI application, request copies of your medical records from your doctor. Keep a copy of it with other crucial papers.

Be Organized

If the SSA lacks the information to make an informed judgment, they may reject your valid SSDI claim. Put prescription papers, doctor’s notes, lab test results, and medical data in one location. Make copies of the SSA, and save the original documents for your records.

Don’t Give Up

More than 60% of first-time Social Security disability benefits applications are rejected. You may, however, appeal up to five times, according to the SSA. Your initial claim may have been denied, but you could still be entitled to money. While going through multiple appeal rounds may be unpleasant, the battle may be worthwhile.

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