Tips to Keep You Safe During Automobile Repairs in Port Orchard

by | Jan 21, 2020 | Auto Repair

If you’re the kind of person that likes to complete projects on your own, you likely realize the value of performing some common vehicle maintenance items with your own two hands. This can make complete automobile repairs in Port Orchard, WA,
fun, convenient, and educational. Even for the most basic of car repairs, however, the proper safety precautions must be taken to ensure you don’t suffer from life-changing injuries. Here are some quick safety tips to keep you safe during
automobile repairs.

Lock it Up

If you are working on any part of your vehicle, but especially if you’re working underneath your vehicle, it is absolutely crucial that you chock the wheels that are on the ground. Even if you’re simply adding windshield wiper fluid, if your vehicle starts rolling away, it could cause the hood to fall and hit you on the head. Therefore, before beginning your maintenance or repairs, put the vehicle in “park,” set the parking brake, and chock all wheels that are in contact with the ground.

Keep A Barrier

Most of the fluids that are used in automobile repairs in Port Orchard, WA, are harmful in some way or another. Therefore, if you’re working with these fluids while maintaining your vehicle, it’s important that you wear hand and eye protection at all times. Hand protection prevents the fluid from absorbing into your skin, which could cause skin irritation or worse, depending on what the fluid is. Eye protection protects against unexpected splashes, which could have catastrophic effects on your vision.

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