Whether you are just starting your transitioning or you are further along in your journey, transgender therapy may be beneficial to your mental health. Societal expectations and your own unique personal history may stand in the way of being completely happy with your transition, and therapy may help eliminate some of the mental distress that you are experiencing.
Immersion Programs
One type of therapy that may be available to transgender individuals is immersion therapy. This therapy is particularly helpful if you are new at transitioning or just beginning your journey.
Aspects of immersion therapy programs include:
- Body language classes that teach you how to convey masculinity or femininity
- Vocal technique classes that allow you to optimize your pitch to best convey your gender
- Clothing, skincare and hair styling courses that provide you with fashion skills.
Gender Dysphoria Therapy
Gender dysphoria occurs when you have a deep discomfort that originates from your desire to be another gender. This dysphoria may be due to the fact that your outward appearance does not currently match your desired gender. These feels can be distressing and cause great mental harm, especially if you are currently unable to undergo physical transitioning. An experienced therapist should be able to help you address your dysphoria in a comfortable fashion.
Assisting With Health Care Concerns
Many transgender individuals experience discrimination or some type of harassment when they are dealing with the healthcare system. This can include discrimination when they are getting surgery or when they are going to see a general medical doctor. A therapist may help you with handling that type of discrimination.
International Center for Transgender Care offers transgender therapy and can be contacted at http://thetranscenter.com/