Determining the condition of one’s roof isn’t easy from ground level. Yet, knowing the shape of the roof is essential. Read on to learn why roofing contractors in Eugene urge every homeowner to get regular roof inspections.
Check for Routine Damage
Roofs are exposed to Mother Nature every day. They take the brunt of her fury, be it ice storms, hailstorms, or high winds. The home’s roof is also exposed to UV radiation. This exposure makes the roof highly susceptible to damage such as degraded shingles, missing flashing, and even pinhole leaks.
Roof inspections check for this type of damage and allow homeowners to make repairs before problems escalate.
Leak Assessment
Most of the time, the first sign of a roof leak is when homeowners notice a stain on their ceiling. At this point, the leak has been causing damage for some time. There could be wood rot or even mold growth in the attic.
Homeowners want to catch leaks before they get this far out of control. Routine inspections include professional leak investigations to find and repair even the most minor leaks.
Extend the Roof’s Longevity
The goal is to get as many years from one’s roof as possible. Weathering plays a role in the roof’s aging process, but most roofs need replacement prematurely because of unintentional neglect. People simply don’t think about their roof’s condition. Routine inspections make people take notice.
Ready to schedule an inspection with roofing contractors in Eugene? Get in touch with Armadillo Roofing Inc. online at