Understanding How Our Fastener Torque Tension Training Helps Your Business

by | Jan 21, 2022 | Business

Our team has designed a program to teach anyone how to use torque-tensioning devices. Our fastener torque tension training goes shows you how torque and tension interact. Plus, we’ll even show you how to use these forces in the real world.

Learn the Fundamentals of Torque and Torque-Tensioning

Torque is a measurement of force that describes rotational movement. Torque tightening puts a preload on a faster to prevent it from coming loose later on.

We can teach you which fasteners to tighten, so you don’t have any point loading. Tightening multiple fasteners requires that use work in a specific order. Otherwise, load scatter and point loading will become a problem.

Create Your Own Torque-Tension Curves

The amount of force required to tighten a fastener decreases with lubrication. You can chart this relationship on a graph if you know the material’s properties. Every material has a coefficient of friction. This must be known to accurately calculate how much lubrication you need to use.

We’ll teach you how to graph this function and how to use it in your business. Applying enough can help prevent you from breaking a bolt while you’re fastening it.

By decreasing the amount of friction, more of the applied force converts to preload.

Suitable for a Wide Variety of Audiences

Our fastener torque tension training seminars can be useful for anyone. We can teach a group of attendees on the floor of your shop. Or, we can meet up with your mechanical engineer corps. We’ve helped a ton of clients in every setting imaginable.

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