The circumstances in which you would need to file an insurance claim are likely stressful enough all on their own. It doesn’t help your state of mind when an insurance agency refuses or inexplicably delays a payment you feel is due to you. While every case is different, following a set of guidelines or steps before filing a claim could help you get the money you need when you need it most. Before seeking compensation, you need to first see if you have a reasonable claim and make sure you have good lawyers.
First, Determine if You Have a Claim
Just because you think your insurance wouldn’t cover a certain type of property damage or injury doesn’t mean that that is the truth. Insurance generally covers a wide range of issues, both upfront and when you read between the lines. If something happens, the first thing you should do is look over your policy and read the fine print. You could be entitled to compensation you otherwise didn’t expect. Better yet, after you look over your policy, have insurance claim lawyers give it the once over too since they could find something you missed.
Next, Use Lawyers to Your Advantage
Once you know you have a claim, it should be easy enough to file a claim with an insurance agency and receive your money, right? The reality is a bit more complicated than that, though. There are internal policies and procedures they must follow before accepting your claim. It might very well be that the agency doesn’t believe your claim and wants to do some investigating of their own. Or, they could just be another big business that likes to take money but isn’t too keen on giving it back. In all cases, a little nudge from your insurance claim lawyers might be the key to a timely insurance payout.
It’s also the case that an insurer might try to foist an offer of payment to you that’s lower than what you need. If you get an offer and it seems fishy, take it to an attorney who can help you determine what action to take next.
Finally, Get Compensation
As you’ve realized by now, the path to actually receiving the money due to you can be an arduous one. Any insurance claim lawyers in North Miami FL you hire should have insider knowledge of the insurance industry, both to negotiate with an insurer and also explain the whole process to you. With their advice, you will have a reasonable expectation about the obstacles you face and how long it will take to get compensation. If the insurance claim lawyers you hired have done their job right, then the end result of all their hard work and all your waiting will be the amount of money you need to make whatever repairs you must.