What are 7075, 6061, and 2024 Aluminum Alloys?

by | Jul 30, 2019 | Aluminum Supplier

Aluminum’s accelerated use which has taken place for decades initially began in the early 20th century with the introduction of alloys. Aluminum is the premier choice for many different types of applications due to the wide variety of aluminum alloys available. It was very popular in the 1930s during the booming aircraft industry era – this period of time saw and acceleration in the development of new alloys they were both very strong and very light.

Three of the most popular aluminum alloys are 7075, 6061, and 2024.

7075 Alloy
Aluminum alloy 7075 is a high-strength-to-density ratio, lightweight alloy. It was used initially in the U.S. and other parts of the world in the early 1940s and that included extensive use by the aircraft industry. Due to its high strength-to-weight ratio, it was the alloy of choice for the vast array of aircraft being produced at that time by the Allied forces in World War II.

6061 Alloy
Aluminum alloy 6061 came on the scene in the mid-1930s and will fill the requirement at that time for heat treatable, medium strength metal that also possessed good resistance to corrosion and could be anodized or welded. Another beneficial quality of 6061 is that it may be fabricated easily by forging, rolling, or extruding.

Its ability to resist corrosion after welding made it highly suitable for marine and railroad applications. This alloy is still implemented in a wide range of products today.

2024 Alloy
Aluminum alloy 2024 uses copper as its alloying agent – this increases its precipitation hardening and strength. It was introduced in 1931. Other less prominent elements in this alloy are manganese magnesium, which both enhance the strength of the material. These elements result in one of the most durable aluminum alloys on the market.

A drawback of 2024 is that it does not possess good corrosion resistance. The copper in the alloy gives it more susceptibility to corrosion in addition to less ductility. Therefore, it is not the ideal alloy for welding purposes.

Aluminum alloy 2024 is a high-performance metal that is high strength and high treatable. It maintains excellent levels of stress and temperature range. However, when this alloy is subjected to welding, its vulnerability to stress corrosion and heat cracking increases.

Contact a seasoned aluminum supplier today to access the aluminum alloys you need for your applications.

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