What Can a Client Expect From Carpenter Bee Control in Pittsburgh, PA?

by | Mar 12, 2020 | Pest Control

As with any pest control program, the exterminator will begin by inspecting the property to determine the severity of the infestation and the location of the nests. They will then apply insecticides to kill the bees.

What Are Carpenter Bees?

Carpenter bees are large bees that look a bit like bumblebees. One difference between the two is that carpenter bees have a shiny and hairless black abdomen while bumblebees have a striped and hairy abdomen.

Carpenter bees are considered pests because they will bore tunnels into wood to lay their eggs. Carpenter bee control in Pittsburgh, PA, will thus include plugging up the holes to keep the bees from returning.

How Can You Tell That You Have Carpenter Bees?

Carpenter bees are most active and visible in the spring. You can find the round holes made by the females, and you may also find small piles of sawdust below the holes. Woodpeckers like to eat carpenter bee larvae and you may see them digging into the wood to reach them. Unfortunately, the presence of woodpeckers usually indicates a severe infestation.

Can You Prevent a Carpenter Bee Infestation?

Yes, but it isn’t easy, especially if you have had infestations in the past. It involves identifying and treating possible nesting sites to make them unattractive to the bees. Carpenter bees don’t like paint, so simply painting a wooden surface may keep them away. Holes made during previous infestations have to be found and plugged up.

Contact The Bee Man or visit website to learn more about carpenter bee control in Pittsburgh, PA.

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