What Can You Do with a Computer Programming Degree?

by | Dec 3, 2013 | Business

Do you live in Brooklyn and want to get a computer programming degree? If so, you are making a wonderful choice. When you get a computer programming degree in Brooklyn, NYC area, you will be opening up doors that you never thought possible. This degree will give you the ability to choose different paths, most of them being quite lucrative when it comes to salary. So, are you wondering what you can do when you choose to get a computer programming degree in Brooklyn, NYC? Read on to find out more:

Software Engineering

One of the things that you can easily get into when it comes to computer programming is software engineering. This is one of the more popular career paths that graduates will take, in fact. A software engineer is going to be responsible for developing and designing software that will cause a computer to do different tasks. Some software engineers will work in applications and some will work with full computer systems.


Another thing that you can do with a computer programming degree is to actually go into programming. Programming is actually a bit different than software engineering, though many people use them interchangeably. As a programmer, you would be writing programs using certain computer languages. Some of the most common languages are Java, C++ and .NET. You would also be repairing things like broken codes.

System and Network Administration

You will also find that you can get into system and network administration when you choose this type of degree. When you choose this path, you will be designing, installing and maintaining the computer system and network for a corporation. You will be responsible for all hardware and software on the computer systems of employees and will need to troubleshoot as problems happen.

Web Development

A career in web development is also possible when it comes to a degree in computer programming. When you go into web development, you will find that you will be creating web applications by using different types of languages. Generally they will work with either the back end of a website, where more technical skills will be used, or the front end of a website, where technical skills and creativity will come into play.

These are only a few of the many career paths you can take with a computer programming degree. For more information, contact a school in your area.

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