What Students Should Expect When Going to School for an Art Education

by | Apr 14, 2021 | Education

When you’re in high school, the idea of going to college can feel so far away. But as your senior year starts coming to an end and graduation is on the horizon, it’s natural that you’ll start thinking about what you want to do after high school. If you’ve always known that your passion lies within the arts then pursuing a degree in art education could be a great option for you! This blog post will help prepare students who are considering going to school for their art education degree by highlighting some things they might expect when they get there.

Art Education Students Should Be Prepared to Learn About the History of Art and Its Different Movements

Art education students should be prepared to learn about the history of art and its different movements. This will allow them not only a deeper understanding but also an appreciation for what they are teaching their future pupils! Art is something that has been around since ancient times so it’s important you know where your discipline comes from before going into any classroom to teach.

Be Ready to Explore Your Internships and Career Opportunities

An art education degree can lead to many different careers in the arts industry, including museum work, teaching at an elementary school level or higher, designing graphics for advertising campaigns or television shows.

Be Ready for Lots of Studying Outside the Classroom

Art education is a demanding field, so be prepared to study outside the classroom. You’ll need time for research and reading in order not only keep up with your coursework but also to stay current on what’s going around you! Visit School of the Art Institute of Chicago and view their art education program today.

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