Workman’s compensation in Boston, MA, is in place to ensure employers are held responsible when an employee is injured on the job. However, many employees aren’t aware of the steps they should take to ensure they qualify for a claim. The following steps will ensure a smoother process.
Report Your Injury
One of the most critical steps in filing for workman’s compensation in Boston, MA, is to report the injury to your employer immediately. They need to complete an on-site incident report and will inform you of the next steps to move forward with your claim. If you are transported for medical attention before you can file a report, do so as soon as possible.
Seek Medical Attention
To qualify for workman’s compensation in Boston, MA, you must seek medical attention for your injury. In some cases, your employer may recommend a doctor they work with specifically for workman’s compensation claims. While you can still get a second opinion, it’s critical to visit the doctor your employer requests as well. You will need these medical records to complete your claim.
Follow Up with Your Employer
Your employer should file your workman’s compensation claim with their insurance provider as soon as possible to prevent delays. Don’t hesitate to follow up with your employer. If they aren’t taking the proper steps, you may need to hire a workman’s compensation lawyer to help you. Once they have filed your claim, you should receive a response from the insurance provider.
If you need to file for workman’s compensation in Boston, MA, and aren’t sure where to turn, visit Law Office of Robert E. Frawley for assistance.