What to Look for When Choosing Cannabis in New Baltimore

by | Jul 17, 2023 | Cannabis Store

As more legal cannabis enters the market, people need to know how to find exactly what they want since not all weed is the same. How it’s grown, how the buds look and smell, and how you smoke it can all greatly affect how it tastes. Here are our top things to look for when buying cannabis in New Baltimore so that you can get the most for your money.


Cannabis in New Baltimore can smell like anything from sweet to skunky, but it should never smell like mold or dried hay. If it smells “off,” this means that the buds are no longer useful or weren’t dried properly. The way a strain smells can also help you find one that fits your needs. The chemicals that give weed its smell help us figure out what health benefits it might have.

Certificate of Analysis

The fact that all New Baltimore cannabis products must be tested in a lab is one of the best things about the legal weed market. They are not just checking for toxins but also looking at the full cannabis profile. Almost every product has a label that tells you some of the most important things, like how much THC it has and how many cannabinoids it has in total. But if you want to know everything, you can ask for a Certificate of Analysis, which will give you a very thorough look at your buds.

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