What’s a Pediatric Growth Chart?

by | Mar 31, 2016 | Health

Starting with an infant’s initial doctor’s visit after birth, an infant’s doctor will record certain details about the infant’s physical development and growth. The pediatrician records this data on the pediatric growth chart, which initially appears like a series of dots, numbers, percentages, and lines, yet actually is a tool our Pediatric Doctor in Carlsbad utilizes to observe a toddler’s early development.

Three parts of vital details are recorded on the pediatric growth chart. Head circumference, weight, and height all are measured at every scheduled well-child visit then recorded on the chart. After he/she grows over 18 months old, most pediatricians only are concerned with weight and height.

Grid of growth information

Pediatric growth charts are basic grids on which growth details are plotted then compared with sample statistics. Those samples decide the percentile group a toddler falls into and whether her or his weight, height, and head circumference are sustaining a consistent pattern of growth. If the toddler’s measurements are within a high percentile group, maybe 90 percent or above, she or he is bigger than the majority of children the same age, and conversely, if she or he is in a low percentile group, they’re smaller than average.

Monitors growth

As far as growth and development are concerned, a pediatric growth chart includes a tool utilized to monitor growth. Instead of being concerned with which percentile a toddler falls under, it’s more important to check that their percentiles are pretty even across the board. A pediatrician might become worried if the toddler’s weight all of a sudden plots at a lower percentile than previously was plotted. Likewise, long-range changes in weight which are tracked upon the growth chart might alert the doctor to a possible problem prior to any symptoms becoming present.

Most parents are concerned about the curved lines and dots they see on the toddler’s pediatric growth chart. They’re concerned that if the toddler is plotting within the highest percentile, she or he may become obese, or that if the toddler is plotting within the bottom 10 percent, she or he may be unhealthy. As individuals come in all types of sizes and shapes, it is more important to concentrate on consistent development and growth. Pediatric growth charts filled out by our Pediatric Doctor in Carlsbad area simply are tools to keep track of growth, and while they may alert the pediatrician to a possible problem, it isn’t a measure of a toddler’s future intelligence, appearance, or overall health status.

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