When You Need a Personal Injury Attorney in Huntington, WV

by | Apr 23, 2019 | Lawyers

Every day, a person is hurt in some form of an accident, whether it is a slip and fall at a shopping center, a bite from an animal or a laceration suffered in a fight. When such things happen to people, they are referred to as personal injuries and the people can file a tort suit.

A personal injury attorney in Huntington, WV, helps clients who have suffered personal injuries in West Virginia and wants them to know what their rights are. Here is a look at what to know about personal injury lawsuits in West Virginia.

What to Know about Personal Injury Lawsuits in West Virginia

If a person intends to pursue a personal injury lawsuit in West Virginia, the statute of limitations for doing so is two years from the date of the injury. If the lawsuit is not filed in a civil court in that time frame, any opportunity to have the case heard will be gone, as well as the chance to be awarded damages. The injured person should realize that the other party could also file a comparative negligence claim.

What about the Comparative Negligence Claims

In comparative negligence claims, the other party can attempt to prove that the injured party was partly responsible for the injury or accident that occurred. If it is found to be true, any amount up to 50 percent of the accident or injury that is found to be the fault of the injured party will have that amount reduced from the damages. Any amount 51 percent or above will bar the injured party from receiving any damages in the case. It is important to have a good lawyer who can help keep this from happening.

Finding a Good Lawyer in West Virginia

The person who is looking for a good lawyer for personal injury cases in West Virginia can research online. Stapleton Law Offices is a law firm in the Huntington, West Virginia area that represents clients for personal injury cases. If a person is looking for a personal injury attorney in Huntington WV, the law firm is available. More information can be found on the website, visit us website.

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