When You Need Sedation Dentistry in Monroe, LA

by | Jul 13, 2022 | Dentist

Sedation dentistry is becoming more popular as people become more aware of it. There are several reasons why you might need sedation dentistry. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common reasons why people choose sedation dentistry.

You Feel Anxious About Going to the Dentist

If you feel anxious about going to the dentist, sedation dentistry may be a good option. Many people feel anxious about going to the dentist because they are afraid of needles, don’t like the sound of the drill, or the idea of another person touching their teeth.

You Need Extensive Dental Work Done

If you need extensive dental work done, from having teeth pulled to having cavities filled, sedation dentistry can help you get through it. Sedation dentistry at The Denture Center related to teeth extraction can make the process more bearable by helping you to relax.

You Have Sensitive Teeth

If you have sensitive teeth, sedation dentistry in Monroe, LA may be the option for you. If your teeth are sensitive to where you can’t have them cleaned, sedation dentistry can help.

You Have a Strong Gag Reflex

If you have a strong gag reflex, sedation dentistry could be an option for you. Gag reflexes can be strong, so if it interferes with teeth cleaning, you might need to undergo mild sedation to go through it.


There are many reasons why you might need sedation dentistry: anxiety about going to the dentist, extensive dental work, sensitive teeth, or strong gag reflexes are all reasons why sedation dentistry may be the best option for you. Talk to your dentist today about whether or not sedation dentistry is the right move for you.

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