Why Choose a Design-Build Construction Company in Wisconsin?

by | Jul 17, 2019 | Contractors

Do you have a construction project planned for the future? You may want to use a construction company in Wisconsin offering the lowest bid for the job. However, this is not always in your best interests. In fact, a design-build approach may be better than the standard design-bid-build system, and here are some reasons why.


The best way to explain design-build is to compare it to design-bid-build. With a DBB approach, the developer hires an architect to design the project. It could be an apartment building, a large strip mall, or a private residence. Next, the available contractors place bids on the project, and the construction company in Wisconsin with the lowest bid usually is accepted.

Design-build does not include the bidding process. Here is an example. A couple wants to build a new home. They go to a trusted construction company in Wisconsin. The contractor has the available architect or designer for the project. Once the design is approved, the contractor goes to work on building the house.

DB Benefits

The design-build process comes with a lot of benefits. For instance, you have one team working on your project, and they work together. Nobody can say, “it is not my responsibility.” Instead, everyone accepts responsibility for the tasks and makes sure everything gets done on time.


Your contractor is responsible for everything. If there are design flaws, he must make sure they are corrected. When workmanship issues arise, the same contractor has to take care of them.


There is a single point of contact during the entire construction process. Everyone works together and accepts responsibility, so it is unlikely a task does not get completed. This creates a highly efficient operation. On average, a DB project gets completed as much as twelve percent faster than a DBB project.

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