Why Should Someone Hire a Social Security Lawyer in Libertyville?

by | Jan 5, 2021 | Law And Legal

When you are facing an illness or an injury that has caused you to become permanently disabled, you may not know where to turn to for help. Many people become dismayed by filing for Social Security disability because they do not fully understand the process. It is important for you to understand you have the right to file for disability by law. You also have the right to get help through an attorney. If you have filed for disability or have even been denied, you can still get help through a Social Security Lawyer Libertyville.

The process for filing for disability is not always easy to understand, for most people. This is one of the reasons many people are denied. Another reason is people do not have the adequate medical backing they need to file with. It is important you have at least two different medical doctors to proclaim you are permanently disabled. Without this medical proof, your claim will most likely be denied.

When people are denied, they often do not understand they have the right to appeal. Through a professional Social Security lawyer in Libertyville, you can appeal your disability claim decision and often get a win. When you meet with your lawyer, he or she will have you to sign a medical release so your records can be pulled. This allows the attorney access to all of the information needed, to represent you in your case.

Most people are denied when they first apply. Through the appeals process, your claim will be heard before a judge. The judge will allow for medical testimony and may ask questions about your ability to work and about your diagnosis and prognosis. It will be up to the judge to make the final determination in your case.

If you are going through the process of filing for Social Security disability or have been denied your first claim, contact a Social Security Lawyer Libertyville. By visiting The Law Offices of Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd. you can learn about the many options that are available for you and how a lawyer can assist you in getting an approval in your claim.

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