Why You Need Regular Septic Tank Pumping

by | Feb 12, 2019 | Plumbing

Your septic tank probably isn’t something you think about a whole lot. When it works, it works, and you go about your day. The tank is buried somewhere, and you probably don’t even know it’s there most of the time. However, it’s important to maintain your system, or you could end up with a very stinky yard and expensive repairs. When the tank is pumped regularly, it can last for decades without much further work.

How Often to Pump Your Septic Tank

The reality is that every septic tank is different, so it’s hard to answer the question of how often you need septic pumping service in Fayetteville. Some of the things that factor in include the size of your tank, how many people are in your household, what your climate is, and whether you utilize garbage disposal. Your best bet is to ask your septic tank professional about when your tank should be pumped and then keep to that schedule.

How to Know Your Tank is Full

Knowing when your tank is getting full is important because otherwise, you could end up with a lawn covered in sewage. One of the symptoms you may notice is that the drains in your home are backing up. If you notice standing water outside or foul odors, this could be another sign that there are problems afoot. However, these issues can be caused by other things so be sure to speak with a professional to determine what is happening in your specific case.

What Happens Next

If you need septic pumping, an expert will visit your home to look for leaks and examine what is inside the tank. That person will let you know if any repairs are needed and provide you with information about how full the tank is. Assuming the tank needs pumped, that will happen at this time. It’s a good idea to keep track of when this occurs so you have an idea of when the next pumping may be needed.

At Hammond Services, we offer full-service septic tank pumping 24 hours a day. We also offer plumbing services and can handle any related issues with your septic system and plumbing. If you need a septic pumping service in Fayetteville, you can learn more or request an appointment by visiting website.

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