Why You Should Have Your Car’s Gauges Repaired – Gauge Repair Service in Albuquerque, NM

by | Jul 14, 2016 | Parts and Accessories

Are your car gauges acting a little off? If they are not functioning properly, you could face serious problems. As soon as you notice they are not acting right, you should contact a reputable Gauge Repair Service in Albuquerque NM. The gauges on your dashboard provide a lot of information about what is going on with your vehicle. Each gauge in your car serves a purpose, and if one is not working, it is not technically safe to drive because they are a health report from your vehicle. The gauges are located in an area of your dashboard known as the instrument panel. If your gauges are not functioning properly, what could go wrong? After all, you have been driving long enough you have a pretty good idea of what is going on, right? Wrong! Having gauges that are malfunctioning can put you and your family at risk. Here are the main gauges you need for your car to be considered safe to drive.

Fuel Gauge

Your fuel gauge is one of the most important gauges within your view. If your fuel gauge is not functioning properly, you could run out of gas and not even know you are low. If you run out of gas at night, your family could be in danger, especially if it is cold outside.


Another extremely important gauge available to the drive is the speedometer. While you may think you can “guess” how fast you are going, your eyes can be deceiving. As if speeding is not dangerous enough, police love to play peek-a-boo from behind bushes and walls. The speeding ticket you receive would actually cost more than having the gauge repaired.


Your odometer tells you how many miles your car has traveled throughout its lifetime. If this gauge stops working, you should have it fixed immediately. If the mileage on your car is not accurate, your car’s value could plummet, even if you have it fixed before you try to sell it. Selling a car with an inaccurate odometer reading is not only immoral, but it is also illegal.

Other Important Gauges

Other gauges that are important to keep in working order are:

  *    Check engine light

  *    Transmission light

  *    Tachometer

  *    Voltmeter

  *    Oil pressure gauge

Unless these are working properly, you cannot tell if something is wrong with your car. If you need Gauge Repair Service in Albuquerque NM, contact Dick’s Speed-O-Tach.

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